How old do you feel?
I’m sure you’ve heard the saying ‘age is just a number’. Well, this is absolutely true when it comes to biological ageing.
Biological age refers to how well or poorly your body is functioning, and how quickly your cells are regenerating - regardless of your calendar age. A healthy 80 year-old could have younger lungs than a 50 year-old smoker.
If you’re biologically young, it’ll be easier to maintain health and mobility as you age. People who are biologically older than their calendar age are more susceptible to health issues.
The impact of lifestyle factors on your biological age
Good genes have their part to play in biological age, but good habits have much more of an influence than genetics alone.
There are a number of lifestyle factors that affect your biological age. These include:
Exercise habits
Eating habits
Stress levels
Alcohol consumption
Breath and lung capacity
Sleep habits
Sexual and romantic relationships
Boosting biological youth
Let’s embrace the wrinkles on the outside, while thriving on the inside: fostering a healthy lifestyle to boost longevity and keep our body working well.
The earlier you start the better, but taking up these healthy habits has a positive affect at any age:
Regular exercise and movement
A healthy, balanced diet with minimal processed foods
Maintaining a healthy weight
Sleeping early and getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night
Managing stress using breathing techniques or other conscious ways of relaxing
Hormones also play a large role in our biological age. For more tips, read our blog post with "Top Tips for boosting hormone health".
You can also find out more about your own hormone health in a 121 Kinesiology session with Zoisa or through our 'Midlife Champions' or 'Move better, feel free" online courses or sign up to our Take Control of your Health 1/2 day workshop.