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Kinesiology training  

Learn to help yourself and others

Why study functional kinesiology?

We are living in a time of an aging population. In the UK (and across the world) people are living longer thanks to advances in medical healthcare. In fact, in England alone, the number of people over 85 looks set to double to 2.6 million over the next 25 years.


However, with a growing population living with an increased number of long-term conditions, our world is in the middle of a health crisis. The system is creaking. The availability of health support and resources vary widely by geography; the health industry training is struggling to keep up with advances in science; and statistics show that the number of people living with chronic conditions, multiple conditions or co-morbidities is on the rise.

In a world dominated by science, the wisdoms from traditional whole system medicine such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Shamanism, Naturopathy have been discarded, mispresented or misunderstood. But there are signs of changing attitudes, that the scientific world is now drawing on and confirming knowledge from these ancient traditional modalities.

I loved every minute of the course! You did an amazing job!  Looking forward to the onward journey and diving deeper into this fascinating world.  
Louise, Stroud
DNA helxic icon graphic accompanies why study functional kinesiology quote

From its chiropractic beginnings, Functional Kinesiology combines knowledge and ideas from Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, nutritional science and functional medicine. 

brain icon - part of the learning on the Functional Kinesiology Course looks at our Emotions
What will I learn
FK info

Functional Kinesiology Foundation Course Training

What will I learn?

alarm icon highlights the excitment of the continous learning on the kinesiology training

The training on this course brings together knowledge and science into a unique, comprehensive, easy to follow model.


It will help you to:

  • uncover the areas of health imbalances,

  • understand more about the signs and symptoms that you are seeing or experiencing,

  • and give you the tools and techniques to be able to support the body to allow its natural healing resources to occur.  


No matter what the symptoms - digestive issues, hormonal issues, migraines, low self-esteem, confusion, learning difficulties - this foundation course will give you the knowledge, resources, and methodology to begin to make a difference in your own life and that of others.

Integrative whole body health

4U Pilates & Wellbeing Graphics blood cells - as Functional Kinesiology covers all aspects mental, physical and nutritional

This course builds on the origins of Applied Kinesiology and furthers this knowledge with the latest in nutritional science and functional medicine. An integrative whole-body perspective to health and wellness with muscle testing still at the heart of it.  


You will learn to use muscle testing to discover which muscles are imbalanced, and the connected organs and meridians causing imbalances.


Why is that important?

Imbalances left unaddressed can lead to a pathway of ill health or chronic conditions. You will learn a variety of techniques to be able to deal with mental, chemical, physical and electrical realms of imbalance, as well as food sensitivity testing, techniques to help with writing, reading and other educational kinesiology techniques to turn the brain on.

About the Kinesiology training

The course is a mixture of learning through 10 days of in-person teaching and your own self-paced learning through the online course material, culminating in a practical and theory weekend assessment.



The classroom attendance provides practical training in Kinesiology techniques. 


You will be set case study homework tasks to get you practising your kinesiology skills, right from weekend one! 


Over the duration of the course training you will be required to complete four case studies in total, each one must be completed before the next session.​

Video icon with play button links to 4U Pilates & wellbeing's MELT Pilates on Demand


The online training portal is designed to support your in-person training. With videos, and quizzes, it allows you to revisit new concepts learnt and watch back techniques.  


The four case studies, quizzes, book reviews and reflective questions are there to help you track your progress, and check your learning and understanding. 



There is a 2 day practical and theory exam at the end of the course.


It is an open book multi-choice theory exam and the practical assessment involves demonstrating your ability to complete ‘balancing’. It is an informal day with additional help and support given for any students with learning challenges such as dyslexia.

Functional Kinesiology College Logo and link

The 4U Pilates & Wellbeing Functional Kinesiology Foundation course is run in association with the The College of Functional Wellness. The course (which is ITEC and VTCT accredited) covers the approved material and utilises the college's online training portal. Your final weekend assessment is conducted by the The College of Functional Wellness and your Kinesiology qualification, accreditation and status will be awarded by them. 

4U Pilates & Wellbeing's green footprints walking you to sign up to the Kinesiology Course
concentric orange circles highlights the continous and connected learning on the kinesiology training
4U Pilates & Wellbeing's green footprints walking you to sign up to the Kinesiology Course
4U Pilates & Wellbeing's green footprints walking you to sign up to the Kinesiology Course

What can I do after my kinesiology training?

Once you have completed your training and passed the assessment day you can get insured and change your member status with the kinesiology federation from 'Student' to a 'Foundation Functional Kinesiologist' and begin practicing.


If you wish to deepen your knowledge and learn more about hormones, supplements, digestive and immune issues then you can continue onto the practitioner diploma course.  


Functional Kinesiology Foundation Course Details

Zoisa Holder animatedly explaining functional kinesiology, integrated health and how it can help

My next Functional Kinesiology Foundation course will start in Spring 2025.

If you want to be first on the list to hear about new dates so you don't miss out, drop your name and email details below and you'll be notified by email as soon as the dates are released. 

Yes! I want to attend!
Email me the dates first!
save the date calendar with tick icon - book on to the half day workshop now!

If you want to get started BEFORE the spring or prefer to learn on a one-to-one basis, at times and dates to suit you, sign up to Zoisa's 121 intensive training.


You are required to complete the full 10 days of training along with the online coursework BEFORE taking the weekend practical and theory review and assessment. Depending on your dates, Zoisa will work with the College of Functional Kinesiology to arrange an exam date.


The course fee for 121 Kinesiology training is £2,145 or £2,675  if paying in instalments. 


Email Zoisa to book in and arrange a convenient date for your first training day!




All 10 days of in-person training must be attended. This training culminates in a two day practical and theory review and assessment.


You will be given access to the online learning portal, student community portal, course text and homework books. You are required to do 4 case studies each weekend and compete all the homework questions and quizzes.


​All in-person and online training, plus homework, essays and case studies MUST be complete before you can take your assessment exam. 



The total course fee is £1,995, payable as an initial deposit payment of £395 and a balance of £1,600.


If you prefer to pay monthly, the total course fee is £2,175 payable as an initial deposit of £395 and either:



4U Pilates & Wellbeing Studio

3-4 West Street 


Somerset TA11 7PS


Google directions to 4U Studio

Human silhoutte connected by dots to represent Kinesiology - a key part of 4U Pilates & we

Where did Functional Kinesiology originate from?

Kinesiology is a mind-body-spirit holistic therapy, originally developed by George Goodheart in 1964, an American Chiropractor, using muscle testing or muscle monitoring. Dr Goodheart discovered that by muscle testing before and after making corrections better results were achieved for his clients.


The therapy then developed to incorporate ideas from other modalities including Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, nutritional science, and functional medicine to identify areas of imbalance that can lead to ill health and chronic pathologies if left unaddressed.  


Functional Kinesiology was created and developed by Claire Snowdon-Darling & Laura Knowles, The College of Functional Wellness. It uses a simple and effective 4 phase protocol approach, known as the BEES – biochemical, electrical, emotional, and structural corrections to balance the body.


All Kinesiology training gives you an exciting toolkit of techniques but  most courses provide limited ideas on which to use and when. This leads to overwhelm, confusion and often, a mishmash approach for new Kinesiologists working with clients and ultimately a reduced enthusiasm for kinesiology from all parties.


Functional Kinesiology is different. Laura and Claire have taken years of clinical experience, broken it down and created a foundation course with clarity of what tool to use when. It is an integrated view of health that works with the principal that the body can heal itself when balanced and resourced.

4U Pilates & Wellbeing's logo triple 'u' in green sits behind healing quote from hippocrates

"The natural healing force in each one of us is the greatest force in getting well"

- Hippocrates

The Functional Kinesiology Foundation course is accredited, recognised and approved to the highest industry standards.

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