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Health Hub | Heart Health & Circulation

The heart system - our feelings and emotions

The heart system - our feelings and emotions

In my final video this week about the heart system, I look at your Health and wellbeing in relation to your emotions. In particular, how emotions affects your thoughts, your muscles and your gut..... As Kinesiologists, when a client comes to us having experienced (or still experiencing) a very emotional situation in life, often this presents itself as a reaction in muscles like the shoulders and the scapular, but also in the stomach... Listen to my video to find out more..... If that has you intrigued - Keep your eyes out for my 1 hour online workshop coming up soon on overload, overwhelm and finding your focus, where I'll be giving you tools to spot the early warning signs of overload and overwhelm PLUS techniques for getting the body and mind back into the 'safe' operating zone. Want to know more now? Book a Kinesiology assessment or mini taster session with me at my Somerton or Wells Studio #oktobeme #mentalhealthmatters #mindsetmatters #emotionalhealthmatters #emotionalhealth #emotionalhealthandwellbeing #emotionalhealthcare #bloodsugaremotions #bekindtoyourmind #anxietysupport #anxietyhelp #bodyhealthdetective #selfcarehealthcare #healtheducation #mindmusclebodyconnections #functionalkinesiology #functionalkinesiologcourse #foundationkinesiologycourse #functionalkinesiologypractitioner #kinesiologycourse #integrativehealthcoach #integrativehealing #movebetterfeelfree #wells #wellssomerset #somerton #learning #collegeoffunctionalkinesiology #learnsomethingnew #learnsomethingnewtoday #learnsomethingneweveryday
Functional Kinesiology & the Electrical Realm - Zoisa Holder explains

Functional Kinesiology & the Electrical Realm - Zoisa Holder explains

As the Functional Kinesiology Foundation course hits weekend 3, Zoisa introduces her new Kinesiology students to the "Electrical Realm". This second realm of the "BEES" looks at health in relation to Energy drawing upon the Traditional Chinese Medicine Meridian System, where the central and governing meridians are the two main batteries that power the other meridians and are connected to our brain and spine. [Check out last week's posts and videos on brain fog and energy!) Take a sneak peek as Zoisa explains how we are made up of energy, how our body's cellular function requires energy and how that impacts and interacts with the environment and energy in and around us. If you want to learn more check out the 4U Functional Kinesiology Foundation Course or book a 121 Kinesiology session with Zoisa #functionalkinesiology #kinesiology #kinesiologycourse #appliedkinesiology #functionalkinesiologycourse #foundationkinesiologycourse #integrativehealth #integratedhealth #integratedhealing #integrativehealing #integrativehealthcare #integratedhealthcoach #integrativehealthcoach #integrativehealthcoaching #integrativehealthpractioner #integrativehealthandwellness #holistichealth #holistichealthcare #healtheducation #selfcarehealthcare #healthandwellbeingcoach #movebetterfeelfree #letsgetmoving #gettingyoumovingkeepingyoumoving
Top tips in the morning to get you energised - Functional Kinesiology tips with Zoisa

Top tips in the morning to get you energised - Functional Kinesiology tips with Zoisa

Rhythms and cycles are part of nature. From seasonal cycles - Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter to daily cycles - day, night. Our bodies have a 24 hour cycle and also work with the seasonal rhythms too. In fact, every animal has its flow and also a routine to support its health. Do you have a morning or evening bedtime routine? Wake up and start your day with water to help hydrate and get fluids going. Invigorate and get the energy going by being under cold water for a few seconds at the end of your shower, drinking hot lemon/lime or rubbing some neuro-lymphatic points. What and where are the neuro-lymphatic points? These are points that run down each side of the spine both front and back. At the back, these run from the base of the skull down the neck and ribs until you reach your tailbone, and in front, across the shoulder/collarbone and down the ribs. Massaging these points raises your energy and clears toxins from the body. Follow our short video to find out how #wellnesswednesday #wellnesswednesdaytips #neurolymphaticpoints #integratedmedicine #integrativehealth #integratedhealth #integratedhealthcare #integratedhealing #integratedhealthcoach #integrativehealing #integrativehealthcare #integrativehealthcoach #integrativehealthcoaching #integrativehealthpractioner #integrativehealthandwellness #holistichealth #holistichealthcare #complementaryhealthcare #complementarymedicine #massageforsports #benefitsofmassage #massageforpainrelief #touchforhealth #touchforhealthkinesiology #healtheducation #selfcarehealthcare #healthandwellbeingcoach #movebetterfeelfree #letsgetmoving #gettingyoumovingkeepingyoumoving
Integrated health - it's all connected! Zoisa Holder explains...

Integrated health - it's all connected! Zoisa Holder explains...

In this short video I try to give you a whistle stop tour into Kinesiology and integrated health. To demonstrate it, I’m going to look in particular at our pectoral muscles (which is connected to our sternum and also our rhomboids - at the back deep between the shoulder blades. At times you may find movement restricted as you reach press or pull either by tension or pain. And the really interesting thing about those two muscles is they're actually connected to the liver….. Our liver’s job is to clear out all the toxins. So that pain or restriction in your pecs or rhomboids could be coming from an imbalance in your liver meridian. And when you apply Chinese Medicine knowledge (which we do in Kinesiology), we learn that the liver is active between 1 and 3 am, so if you’re constantly waking between those hours, I would be interested and curious to find out what’s going on with your Liver Meridian. Further, applying TCM knowledge of elemental connections - that's wood, water, earth, fire, metal - we can learn more about the emotions and energies that the liver (and by extension the pain in your pecs or rhomboids) might be connected to….. Intrigued? Check out my Functional Foundation Kinesiology Course or follow me on social to learn more. #mindmusclebodyconnections #bodyhealthdetective #healtheducation #selfcarehealthcare #kinesiologycourse #takingcontrolofyourhealth #integrativehealth #integratedhealth #integratedhealing #integratedhealthcoach #functionalkinesiology #kinesiology #healthandwellbeingcoach #movebetterfeelfree #letsgetmoving #gettingyoumovingkeepingyoumoving
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