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Gut Health & Digestion
Zoisa Holder
Jun 19, 2023
2 min read
What can cause skin conditions?
To make sure we have healthy skin, it’s really important that we have healthy blood sugar levels. If they are balanced then our system is...
Zoisa Holder
Apr 27, 2023
3 min read
Good Health starts with 4 Fundamental questions
When considering your health and wellbeing there are 4 key questions I ask you to ask yourself. Question 1 - Am I safe? “No” will trigger...
Zoisa Holder
Apr 21, 2023
2 min read
It might be "NORMAL", but it's NOT normal for me!
This is something I have experienced myself first-hand but also something I hear time and time again from my clients. You may recall that...
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Gut Health and Digestion
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THE GUT SYSTEM & STRUCTURAL IMBALANCES - what's the connection? Zoisa Holder explains
Part one - Structure and the gut system Think of structure as your posture, bones, ligaments and joints. If you were following my blog last week, then you'll remember I spoke about the connective tissue system. We are structural beings, we have a skeletal muscle connective tissue system. But your stomach, or gut is also a key structure within the body. So depending on what is happening in the connective tissue system, how your skeleton is positioned, will an impact on what is happening in the gut. So if there's any misalignment of your structure: your pelvis is slightly out, your spine is too flex, your muscles around the diaphragm area are holding too much tension, tension in the muscles in the back of the body, tension in your hamstrings - all of these misalignments and tensions will alter not just the pelvis but other areas of the body. So understanding this connection between your stomach/gut and structure is really important to understand your digestion and digestive issues. #guthealthandposture #guthealthy #guthealthmatters #guthealthiskey #guthealthiseverything #guthealthforlife #digestiveproblems #guthealth #digestiveissues #digestivedisorders #morethanjustmuscles #mindmusclebodyconnections #functionalkinesiology #functionalkinesiologcourse #foundationkinesiologycourse #functionalkinesiologypractitioner #kinesiologycourse #integrativehealthcoach #integrativehealing #functionalkinesiologycourse #movebetterfeelfree #selfcarehealthcare #healtheducation #wells #wellssomerset #somerton #learning #collegeoffunctionalkinesiology #learnsomethingnew
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THE GUT SYSTEM & STRUCTURAL IMBALANCES - Part 2: The muscle meridian organ connection
THE GUT SYSTEM & STRUCTURAL IMBALANCES - what's the connection? Part two - The muscle-meridian-organ connection In week 5 of the Kinesiology training we learn about all the muscles that relate to structural issues. But how can muscles relate to the gut? Think of your small intestines - its job is to be able to pull out all those nutrients from the food that you've eaten and digested, but what if your structural imbalances are having an impact on it? As Kinesiologists, we can identify through muscle testing, if the client has issues with their small intestines by looking at: ~ the rectus abdominals (your six pack), ~ the transverse abdominals (the big ones that go around the back), ~ the obliques, which help with rotation and twisting, ~ and the lower abdominals. Check out my video to find out more: #guthealthandposture #guthealthy #guthealthmatters #guthealthiskey #guthealthiseverything #guthealthforlife #digestiveproblems #guthealth #digestiveissues #digestivedisorders #morethanjustmuscles #mindmusclebodyconnections #functionalkinesiology #functionalkinesiologcourse #foundationkinesiologycourse #functionalkinesiologypractitioner #kinesiologycourse #integrativehealthcoach #integrativehealing #functionalkinesiologycourse #movebetterfeelfree #selfcarehealthcare #healtheducation #wells #wellssomerset #somerton #learning #collegeoffunctionalkinesiology #learnsomethingnew
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THE GUT SYSTEM & STRUCTURAL IMBALANCES - Part three: The gut system and the hamstrings
THE GUT SYSTEM & STRUCTURAL IMBALANCES - what's the connection? Part three - Gut system and the hamstrings..... In my last video I touched on the muscle-meridian-organ connection and I wanted to give you more detail and share with you information about the gut in relation to the hamstrings. When looking at the gut and digestive issues, one of the things that we do as kinesiologists is to muscle test the hamstrings - which are connected to your Large Intestines. Check out my video to learn why.... #guthealthandposture #guthealthy #guthealthmatters #guthealthiskey #guthealthiseverything #guthealthforlife #digestiveproblems #guthealth #digestiveissues #digestivedisorders #morethanjustmuscles #mindmusclebodyconnections #functionalkinesiology #functionalkinesiologcourse #foundationkinesiologycourse #functionalkinesiologypractitioner #kinesiologycourse #integrativehealthcoach #integrativehealing #functionalkinesiologycourse #movebetterfeelfree #selfcarehealthcare #healtheducation #wells #wellssomerset #somerton #learning #collegeoffunctionalkinesiology #learnsomethingnew
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The Gut System: Signs of system overwhelm in our skin
Did you know that when your gut system is overwhelmed, signs and symptoms can be seen in the skin and nails? It's like having a little window into knowing how the body is doing – whether it is in balance or if it needs some support. Remember in my model of integrated health our gut system is connected to energy. Signs and symptoms that THE GUT SYSTEM is out of balance include: 😫Skin changes 🥴Digestive issues and food sensitivity - bloating, acid reflux, inflammation, IBS 💩Bowel movement – frequency, colour, & consistency changes 😴 Energy dips & lethargy In this video, I'm going to look at skin symptoms that indicate the body needs a little bit of help. Find out more #skinsigns #whatisyourbodytellingyou #whatyourbodyissaying #healthyskin #guthealth #guthealthy #guthealthmatters #guthealthiskey #guthealthiseverything #overwhelm #emotionalmatters #emotionalhealth #noticeyourbodycues #wellbeing #takingcontrolofmyhealth #integratedhealth #integratedhealthcare #functionalkinesiology #kinesiology #healthknowledge #alternativehealthandwellness #alternativehealthcare #selfcarehealthcare #bodyhealthdetective #healtheducation4everyone #healtheducator #healtheducation #UnderstandingYourBody #movebetterfeelfree #wells #somerton
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Food intolerances - what are they? Zoisa Explains....
Food intolerance - what is it? An intolerance or sensitivity is when the reaction experienced is due the accumulation of exposure resulting in a variety of symptoms or signs, eg pain, aches, headaches, irritation, inflammation, gut issues, running nose, and more. The signs or symptoms occur over a period of minutes, hours or days, vary in intensity and wear off or reduces when exposure is reduced or removed. In functional kinesiology foods can be tested with you to see whether they are biogenic, biostatic or bioacidic to your body. ~ Bioacidic foods can either reduce energy balance and muscles unlock, or they can over energise the muscle or organ, hypertonicity. ~ Biostatic foods are good fillers and neither nurture or provide acidic reaction. ~ Biogenic foods are those that support and nourish muscles and organs. Through muscle testing, signs and symptoms of imbalances and intolerances can be assessed and then guidance can be given to support and balance your body, reducing the effects and also supporting the immune system. Want to find out more? Check out my blogs or listen to this YouTube video from Functional Kinesiologist Claire Snowden-Darling and Laura Knowles from Balanced Wellness... #foodallergies #foodintolerance #foodintolerances #foodintolerancetest #foodintolerancetesting #foodintoleranceawareness #kinesiologyfoodtest #kinesiologyfoodtesting #bodyhealthdetective #integrativehealth #integratedhealth #integratedhealing #integratedhealthcoach #functionalkinesiology #kinesiology #healtheducation #selfcarehealthcare #healthandwellbeingcoach #movebetterfeelfree #letsgetmoving #gettingyoumovingkeepingyoumoving
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How do you know if you have a food intolerance? Zoisa Holder Explains..
How do you know if you have a food intolerance? For me, if I have a reaction in my throat – it feels like the food can’t go down, it’s difficult to swallow, or it becomes sore or irritable. You may have similar, or maybe you've experienced: ~ bloating in the tummy, ~ an irregularity in your sinuses, ~ even pain in your thumbs! All of this very much connected with an imbalance in our biochemistry, and our blood sugar levels which shouldn’t be confused with “just eating sweet things”. Your body needs energy and will take onboard proteins, carbohydrates and fats, breaking them down into smaller elements to be able to use them on a variety of different bodily functions and to generate energy. And if you have got any sensitivities to any food, it changes this blood chemistry. Listen to my video to learn more….. Remember if your body's not getting the nutrients or it's not able to uptake those nutrients for whatever reason, that that can have quite an impact on your health. #digestivehealth #digestivedisorders #digestiveissues #guthealth #digestivepainrelief #foodintolerance #foodsensitivity #allergyorintolerance #allergiesbegone #foodallergies #bodyhealthdetective #healtheducation #selfcarehealthcare #takingcontrolofyourhealth #integrativehealth #integratedhealth #integratedhealing #integratedhealthcoach #functionalkinesiology #kinesiology #kinesiologytraining #healthandwellbeingcoach #movebetterfeelfree #letsgetmoving #gettingyoumovingkeepingyoumoving
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Pilates, food and exercise. Why, what and when to eat for the best results
One of the most important things, as well as eating healthily, is to consider your blood sugar levels, which we look at in the Kinesiology triangle of health. Every time you eat - and not necessarily just sweet things - there is a whole digestion process going on to break down the food. The body breaks it down into energy so that it can either use it and if it can't use that energy up to fuel the muscles, then it just feeds that whole metabolism and digestion process. In this video we look at : ~ why it's important to think about what we are eating in terms of Pilates, movement and exercise, ~ why it's important to know and understand the relationship between eating and our muscles ~ what and when you should eat to get the most out of physical activity ** Key point to remember when eating to get the most out of our physical activity. ** Allowing yourself the time to digest food and thinking about those low glycaemic and slow glycaemic index foods that have that slow release quality can help you, and don’t just reach for the carbs! If you're too carby, then that can also create an imbalance in the blood sugars. Having an excess of root vegetables and those starchy carbs can also have an impact, as its harder for the body to process or digest. Remember, it’s the correct balance of protein, fibre and carbs in every meal – OR SNACK! – that will give your body the best chance to prepare you for your physical activity. #wellnesswednesday #wellnesswednesdaytips #digestivehealth #digestivehealthtip #digestionproblems #digestionhelp #nutritionadvice #pilates #pilatesonlineclasses #allergyawareness #foodallergies #touchforhealth #touchforhealthkinesiology #selfcarehealthcare #holistichealth #holistichealthcare #complementaryhealthcare #healtheducation #healthandwellbeingcoach #movebetterfeelfree
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Health, whole health and the bigger picture. What does that mean? Zoisa Holder Explains:
Let’s take an example – my eye is currently a little bit swollen. What is our normal response to this? Dab on a bit of antiseptic cream to relieve the itching or heat? But what else do we do or think about it? I expect often most people dab on the cream and then [like me yesterday] assume that’s enough and it will “just sort itself out”. We may think to ourselves, “Oh this is a sign that I'm not sleeping," or perhaps "I just got something in my eye"…But the thought might just stop there, along with perhaps another dab of cream. But I want to invite you to consider the bigger picture. Consider: • What might that “sign” or symptom actually be telling you about what is going on in your body? • And is that symptom actually the root cause of what's going on? Find out more in my video or check out my workshop – #bodyhealthdetective #healtheducation #selfcarehealthcare #healthworkshop #takingcontrolofyourhealth #kinesiologyworkshop #meltmethodworkshop #integrativehealth #integratedhealth #integratedhealing #integratedhealthcoach #functionalkinesiology #kinesiology #healthandwellbeingcoach #movebetterfeelfree #letsgetmoving #gettingyoumovingkeepingyoumoving
Zoisa Holder
Sep 27, 2021
1 min read
Lemon Cake Energy Balls Recipe
This is a great snack to take with you on a walk, hike, or during your work day. The nutritious ingredients included are...
Zoisa Holder
Sep 20, 2021
1 min read
Stir-fry with broccoli & brown rice recipe
This easy stir-fry dish combines fresh flavours of chilli, honey and garlic beneficial in wound healing, preventing acid reflux and...
Zoisa Holder
Aug 9, 2021
1 min read
Spinach, Basil, Pepper and Egg Lunch Recipe
This hearty salad recipe combines basil and pepper with spinach for a nutritious lunch. Sweet potatoes are a rich source of fibre as well...
Zoisa Holder
Oct 28, 2022
1 min read
How do you know if you have a food intolerance?
Spotting signs and symptoms How can you tell if you have a food intolerance or sensitivity? For me, I have a reaction in my throat – it...
Zoisa Holder
Apr 20, 2022
1 min read
Massage, the stomach and digestion processes...
Massaging the stomach can help to relax muscles, alleviate constipation, support digestion and elimination processes. A 2020 systematic...
Zoisa Holder
Feb 14, 2022
1 min read
How we use kinesiology to test for food intolerances
When food testing in Kinesiology, we are checking to see if are foods are: Biogenic - nourishing for the body, Biostatic - neither good...
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