Overload, overwhelm and
creating balance....
We ALL have times in our lives, when we feel we have too many demands on our time, that we are being spread too thinly, have too many plates spinning and are struggling to focus and complete the tasks on our list.

The result is that we feel like we are running through treacle and getting nowhere. We aren’t getting ahead of our tasks, we are exhausted, we have stopped making time to rest and restore, and often we will suffer silly injuries because we are rushing, being inattentive, and doing too many things at once.
I want to help you
help yourself.

Through my 1 hour workshop, I will show you how to:
With yourself and your body

Which of the 4 body systems needs support?
Discover what is working, what is not and why might that be.
The early warning signs that your systems are overloaded, overwhelmed and out of balance.
Are you trying to fit into a framework that doesn’t work for you?
W​ith 4 QUICK & SIMPLE TECHNIQUES to help REBALANCE your mind & body and FIND YOUR FOCUS when you feel a sense of overwhelm, physically, mentally or emotionally.
Take that first step and move forward with focused intent.
Let your strengths guide and support you.

What’s more, these tools will help you to understand and recognise symptoms not just in yourself, but also in your family, co-workers, or children in your care - so you can spot when they need support, and the simple 2-minute techniques can be easily shared to help everyone create balance and find their focus.
Are you ready to support your body and

Not on the list?
Book a workshop with Zoisa for your Group, School or Organisation