Zoisa Holder
Jun 30, 20231 min read
Why is it important to look after your skin?
For years advertisers have promoted skin and beauty regimes to women, with an abundance of products to use on our faces and bodies - from...

Zoisa Holder
Apr 27, 20233 min read
Good Health starts with 4 Fundamental questions
When considering your health and wellbeing there are 4 key questions I ask you to ask yourself. Question 1 - Am I safe? “No” will trigger...

Zoisa Holder
Sep 28, 20222 min read
Hydration - why it's so important to keep our bodies in balance
What does a flowerbed and flowers have in common with me? ..... Hydration is key Consider the impact of the recent rain, which has...

Zoisa Holder
Apr 21, 20211 min read
Our sleep-wake cycle
The body has a natural daily cycle of hormones, know as the circadian rhythms. The sleep-wake cycle is an important part of ensuring that...

Zoisa Holder
Apr 12, 20213 min read
Stages, cycles and ingredients for growth
Nature has its natural cycles, day and night, autumn, winter, spring, summer and late summer and so do we. Our bodies have a 24 hour...