Zoisa Holder
Jul 3, 20232 min read
Getting under your skin - why hydration is key
Our skin is not just a protective barrier but, as part of our connective tissue system, is key in providing information about our...

Zoisa Holder
Nov 23, 20224 min read
The benefits of combining Kinesiology with Pilates....
How can combining Kinesiology with Pilates enhance your movement? Ever struggled with that Pilates clam? Or wondered why your back or...

Zoisa Holder
Sep 28, 20222 min read
Hydration - why it's so important to keep our bodies in balance
What does a flowerbed and flowers have in common with me? ..... Hydration is key Consider the impact of the recent rain, which has...

Zoisa Holder
Jul 5, 20222 min read
Your big toe's connected to your..... well quite a lot of 'you' really.....
"Your toe bone's connected to your.... foot bone, and your foot bone's connected to your heel bone.... and your heal bone's connect to...

Zoisa Holder
Jun 6, 20223 min read
Our bodies warning signs - Where are you in the Wave?
Waves come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes it can be a cold wave breaking on your feet in the hot sun. Or the pull at your feet in the...

Zoisa Holder
May 18, 20224 min read
Your Health - Voice, choice and being heard
How many of you have had the experience of noticing or feeling that something is not quite right? That something is different to how it...

Zoisa Holder
Mar 9, 20222 min read
How can Pilates help with chronic pain?
Part of my integrated approach as a health and wellbeing consultant includes Pilates & Movement. Movement is an essential part of life....

Zoisa Holder
Nov 17, 20211 min read
Why correct repetition of an action is important
Repetition is important when creating new habits, learning and building strength. The action of repeating creates chemical reactions, as...

Zoisa Holder
Nov 10, 20211 min read
3 in 10 adults experience chronic or persistent pain
Lower back, neck and joint pain are some of the most common conditions that complimentary and alternative medicines are used for....

Zoisa Holder
Oct 20, 20211 min read
Arthritis and joint pain
What is arthritis? It's not just wear and tear! Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. In this short video below, MELT Method creator...