Zoisa Holder
Nov 7, 20232 min read
How our emotions impact our physical health....
Emotions don't just impact our mental health, they can also have an impact on our physical health…. Yep, I hear you - "What are you...

Zoisa Holder
Jul 26, 20232 min read
The Brain System and our skin: signs of system overwhelm
You are probably thinking brain and skin?! WHAT IS the connection there? You may [or may not] be aware that when we sleep, the brain uses...

Zoisa Holder
Apr 27, 20233 min read
Good Health starts with 4 Fundamental questions
When considering your health and wellbeing there are 4 key questions I ask you to ask yourself. Question 1 - Am I safe? “No” will trigger...

Zoisa Holder
Feb 27, 20231 min read
The heart system - overwhelm and overload....
Join me as I look at the fourth and final body system - The heart system - in relation to overload, overwhelm and creating balance. I...

Zoisa Holder
Nov 23, 20224 min read
The benefits of combining Kinesiology with Pilates....
How can combining Kinesiology with Pilates enhance your movement? Ever struggled with that Pilates clam? Or wondered why your back or...

Zoisa Holder
Sep 28, 20222 min read
Hydration - why it's so important to keep our bodies in balance
What does a flowerbed and flowers have in common with me? ..... Hydration is key Consider the impact of the recent rain, which has...

Zoisa Holder
Jul 27, 20221 min read
Re-balance and re-charge your body - central and governing meridian
In Kinesiology we work with the meridians, the energy highways of the body. If you have attended one of my workshops, you will remember...

Zoisa Holder
Jul 5, 20222 min read
Your big toe's connected to your..... well quite a lot of 'you' really.....
"Your toe bone's connected to your.... foot bone, and your foot bone's connected to your heel bone.... and your heal bone's connect to...

Zoisa Holder
May 18, 20224 min read
Your Health - Voice, choice and being heard
How many of you have had the experience of noticing or feeling that something is not quite right? That something is different to how it...

Zoisa Holder
Apr 11, 20221 min read
Top 10 tips to prolong the benefits of massage
Here are my top 10 Tips for Massage Aftercare to prolong the benefit and effects of your massage.... Click right to view each new tip.......