Zoisa Holder
Jun 10, 20231 min read
How does our skin support, protect and help our health and wellbeing?
Our skin is the largest organ of the body, it helps us to clear excess toxins and acts as a protection / a barrier against the sunshine...

Zoisa Holder
May 15, 20232 min read
Where are you on your body health detective journey?
If you follow me regularly, you'll know that I'm always asking you to "stop, pause and connect with your body". This it because it gives...

Zoisa Holder
Apr 27, 20233 min read
Good Health starts with 4 Fundamental questions
When considering your health and wellbeing there are 4 key questions I ask you to ask yourself. Question 1 - Am I safe? “No” will trigger...

Zoisa Holder
Apr 14, 20232 min read
Tired of living with pain? Suffering with no resolution?
It's a story I hear so often these days. People can be waiting from 4-6 weeks to see or speak to a doctor, and when they get there, they...

Zoisa Holder
Mar 1, 20232 min read
If you need reminding... It's ok NOT to be ok....
Emotions, feelings - Do you recognise them? Do you really feel them and where they sit in your body? Do you allow them to 'be' and then...

Zoisa Holder
Feb 27, 20231 min read
The heart system - overwhelm and overload....
Join me as I look at the fourth and final body system - The heart system - in relation to overload, overwhelm and creating balance. I...

Zoisa Holder
Feb 24, 20232 min read
The brain system - brain-fog, overwhelm and overload....
When the brain is out of balance, decision making and clarity of thinking can be compromised. You might experience brain-fog or...

Zoisa Holder
Oct 2, 20195 min read
Top Tips for Hormone Health
Have you considered how hormones affect your mental, physical, emotional and structural/ postural health? It's not just about Oestrogen!...