Zoisa Holder
Sep 28, 20222 min read
Hydration - why it's so important to keep our bodies in balance
What does a flowerbed and flowers have in common with me? ..... Hydration is key Consider the impact of the recent rain, which has...

Zoisa Holder
Sep 19, 20221 min read
Understanding your grief
Today as we mourn Queen Elizabeth and say our final farewell, you may be experiencing a sense of grief. For some, this occasion will...

Zoisa Holder
Sep 6, 20222 min read
Health, whole health and the bigger picture. What does that mean?
Often we hear the terms 'integrated health', or 'whole health', but what does that really mean? Let’s take an example – my eye is...

Zoisa Holder
Jul 27, 20221 min read
Re-balance and re-charge your body - central and governing meridian
In Kinesiology we work with the meridians, the energy highways of the body. If you have attended one of my workshops, you will remember...

Zoisa Holder
Jul 22, 20221 min read
An ode to growing older...
By Zoisa Holder and Kelly Logan Does your body feel stiff in the morning? Or ache when you get out of a chair? Hip pain, knee pain, back...

Zoisa Holder
Jul 10, 20222 min read
Being human and finding your way...
When it comes to health and fitness, it's not just about what can be seen on the outside... Read on or press 'Play' and find out........

Zoisa Holder
Jul 5, 20222 min read
Your big toe's connected to your..... well quite a lot of 'you' really.....
"Your toe bone's connected to your.... foot bone, and your foot bone's connected to your heel bone.... and your heal bone's connect to...

Zoisa Holder
May 18, 20224 min read
Your Health - Voice, choice and being heard
How many of you have had the experience of noticing or feeling that something is not quite right? That something is different to how it...

Zoisa Holder
Apr 11, 20223 min read
Massage and Chronic Pain
Massage is very beneficial for improved sleep, to relieve stress, to speed healing, break up scar tissue, reduce excess muscle tension,...

Zoisa Holder
Mar 22, 20224 min read
Exercise, pain and the brain
Have you ever heard of the saying "no pain no gain"? It was a saying that was made popular in the 1980s within the fitness industry by...